Read Green. Exchange Books, Reduce Waste, and Protect Our Planet for Future Generations!
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Our Commitment to Sustainability
At dBuch, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable practices through our initiatives of sharing, giving away, exchanging, and lending books. Our efforts are aligned with the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Responsible Consumption
Promoting book reuse reduces waste and demand for new books, fostering sustainable consumption and production.

Climate Action
Reducing book wastage helps combat deforestation and climate change, raising awareness for sustainable practices.

Life on Land
Lowering the demand for new books conserves forests and preserves biodiversity, supporting healthy ecosystems.
Our Supporters
We are grateful for the generous support and their contributions make our work possible.

Founder’s Message
Welcome to dBuch, a non-profit website based in Luxembourg dedicated to promoting book sharing and reducing book waste. Our mission is to combat deforestation by enabling people to share and give away books to those in need. We provide a free platform that connects book lovers and encourages sustainable reading practices.
At dBuch, we believe in the power of community and the impact of small actions. That’s why we do not take any commission or profit from users who utilize our platform. Instead, we rely on the generosity of individuals who believe in our cause. If you’d like to support us, you are welcome to donate a small amount.
Thank you for participating in our journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.
Warm regards,
Founder, dBuch, Luxembourg